Sunday, November 30, 2008

problem in nursery...

Porter loves nursery. Nursery doesn't love Porter. Here's the proof:

[3 weeks ago]
I went to pick Porter up after nursery.
nursery leader to me: "I'm going to have to ask you to not let Porter bring knives to nursery anymore."
me: "I'm really sorry, I didn't know he had one."
nl: "I think it was in his pocket, it wasn't a problem until he started chasing the girls with it."
me: "sorry"

me to proter: "why did you take a knife to nursery"
porter: "I just wanted to"

[this week]
nl to Jaren: "We have a problem with Porter and I don't know if I should address with you or your wife"
jaren: "yeah?"
nl: "when he uses the bathroom, he gets no pee in the toilet, so we spend 10 minutes cleaning the bathroom"
jaren: "yeah, we've been working on that at home too"
nl: "from now on, I'll have to come get one of you to take him to the bathroom"
jaren: "sorry"

jaren to porter: "why did you pee on the floor and wall in nursery?"
porter: "the potty there is too little"


Kelly said...

I can't quit laughing!!!

Kisten Downey said...

NICE!!!! He is so freaking cute...

Camille said...

Too funny!

randi said...

That is hilarious!!! I am the nursery leader in our ward and I can just picture that.

daisy said...

Poor Porter. He should come to our nursery, we would love him knifes, pee, and all.

Trinity said...

I'm not sure if I should say poor Porter, poor Jaren, poor McCall or poor nursery. That is too funny. I've only taught Jack to pee sitting. I'm perfectly ok for him to remain sitting until 18. Less mess!

Brittney Sloan Anderson said...

That is so flippin awesome. I can't stop laughing about the knife. Yeah Porter and Abe need to hang out. It would be interesting.

Melissa said...

Gotta love boys!!! That story made me laugh.

Kristen said...

That is seriously so funny. Good luck with that...Maybe you'll be called to nursery.

bethi said...

That is so funny! Dont you Love boys!! That sounds like something my 3 yr. old would do....or has done! (:

Christina P. said...

That is hilarious! I love that he snuck a knife into nursury!

KA said...

Somehow I think this is only the beginning to raising "all boy". Does he try to put you in the chicken wing hold yet?

QnA Drapers said...

Your boys are way too cute! Glad to see you guys are doing so well! Now, we need to come kidnap Kristen with Randi and have another GNO!!

Melissa Hirschi said...

Hilarious!! Your boys are so funny. I'm disappointed we didn't get see your new place over Thanksgiving. Next time for sure!