Monday, January 19, 2009


Just a reminder that region is this Saturday at 10am at the SUU centrum...
come cheer us on!

Don't forget that Dixie and Snow Canyon will be there as well, so all you old Jetettes can come re-live your high school days!


Megan Andersen said...

I TOTALLY wish that I could be there--but it is my sons birthday. I am so BUMMED! Maybe the review. Good Luck!!
(I can't believe how young they look to me--I remember feeling like I was so old when I was that age.)
Cute girls.

Kelly said...

I'll be there, can't wait!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck!! You're girls look great! By the way we went sledding behind my house by the water tank. Tons of fun. (Oh and I totally went to hairschool with Megan Andersen, that's crazy.)

Ty and Janene said...

Good job I was way excited for you guys Now go take STATE!

randi said...

Well I'm waiting to hear how you did...