Wednesday, August 6, 2008


It hit me this afternoon while driving around, how much I love living in Cedar. We have had generous afternoon showers every day this week, which happens every summer here, and I LOVE the summer rain. I started thinking of the things I love about Cedar, here are a few:
. summer showers
. 4 seasons
. bearable summers
. white Christmas's
. great friends for us as well as the boys
. awesome schools
. a great neighborhood that my kids can run around in for hours and be safe
. "low maintenance" people (you don't have to be dressed to kill to go to wal-mart)
. a "top 10" ranked university
. enough restaurants to satisfy, but keep you excited to go to St George on the weekend
. the small town feel (the way St George was when we grew up)
. gorgeous, lush lawns and gardens

I could keep going, but these are the things that came to mind today! I never in my life pictured myself raising a family in Cedar, but given the chance, I wouldn't' trade it for anywhere else!


Michelle said...

I agree w/ every one of those things on your list! I love living in Cedar! I'm surprised I never see you (except sometimes at the gym . . .)

Kelly said...

Amen! A little more shopping and it would be perfect.

Kenzie said...

I will make sure and not tell my husband about all the things you love about Cedar. He wants to move there to get the small town feel again. Sadly St. George no longer has that. Brett has family in Cedar and lived there for a couple of years growing up.Everytime we go visit he says he wants to move back there. I wish I was more willing to give up the convenience of Target 10 minutes away.

Christina P. said...

I love your "you don't have to be dressed to kill to go to Walmart" comment!! It is so true! You don't realize it until you move away!! We lived in Cali when we first got married and I did love going to Target in my PG's and not caring one bit!! Living in St. George now, I go to Target without getting ready, but its a super quick in and out and I pray I won't run into someone I know!! It's so bad!

Trinity said...

Cedar is an awesome place. Too many times we feel the grass is greener on the side of the fence. Great reminder.

Camille said...

Cedar is the best! Maggie's will make it just a tiny bit better!!!! Soon!

mickell said...

I would have never said "McCall will for sure end up in Cedar when she grows up :)" But i think it's great. Especially living in Chicago the past few months - I would take small town any day!!

Jaren said...

See! I knew you would love Cedar. You just couldn't see through the tears as we drove away from Las Vegas.

Kristen said...

I wish we had the rain. Glad you love it there so much. It's beautiful.

KA said...

Thanks for the painful reminder. :-). I agree, it is a great place to live.

bethi said...

I love small towns! I think st george might be getting a little big for me! fun to see your fam!

Megan Andersen said...

All those points about Cedar are right on--I am way jealeous of your "white winters". I wouldn't be to sad if my husband came home tomorrow & told me that we were moving to Cedar. Who knows...maybe he will..